Lakeland Milk Price Disappointing – Co-ops Must Provide More Significant Increases


Lakeland suppliers are very disappointed at the 1c/l increase for October milk decided by the Co-op last week, IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Sean O’Leary has said.

He said the Lakeland price is over 1c/l short of the Ornua PPI for October and, in the context of that and the fact that EU average dairy product returns for October would be equivalent to a 30c/l farmgate price, Lakeland suppliers justifiably expected more.

Sean O’Leary said co-ops setting the price for October milk this week can, and must, provide considerable increases.

“In the context of significantly improved returns, as well as continued cash flow pressures on farms, and with an eye on setting farmers up for viable price levels for next spring, significant increases for October milk are totally justified. I strongly urge co-op boards to deliver the necessary price increase to their fellow dairy farmers,” Sean O’Leary concluded.

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