
Minister Creed Must Intervene to Extend Slurry Spreading Date

IFA President Joe Healy has called on Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed to extend the period during which slurry can be spread.

Joe Healy said, “I have asked Minister Creed to address the immediate and growing difficulty facing farm families, who for the past number of weeks, and in some instances, months have been unable to spread slurry due to poor weather and ground conditions”.

“The need to resolve this issue is significant, with an increasing number of farmers expressing concern as the end date is fast approaching. This is causing extreme distress and adding to what has been a challenging year for many farmers, particularly in the livestock sector. The main issue is the number of days lost during the period when slurry spreading is allowed.”

IFA Environment Chairman Thomas Cooney has strongly encouraged Minister Creed to reconsider the position of his Department.

“Met Éireann is anticipating that ‘over the coming week, rainfall totals are currently looking to be above normal again, possibly up to twice the average’. Of additional concern is their expectation of ‘limited drying opportunities’, which effectively brings the period when slurry can be spread to an early close.

Minister Creed must work with his Government colleagues and support farmers who are endeavouring to do the right thing, by granting a further period of time during which slurry can be spread.

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