LESS Requirements for Small Scale and Lower Stocked Farms Not Viable or Necessary – IFA

IFA National Livestock Chair Declan Hanrahan said the Low Emission Slurry Spreading (LESS) requirements proposed to come into effect from 1st January next year for farms stocked between 100 and 130kgs organic N must be deferred and reviewed.
He said the majority of farms in this category are small scale dry stock farms operating on smaller and often very fragmented holdings on difficult ground.
The options available to meet the requirements set by Government for these farms are not practical, economically viable or even safe to use.
Declan Hanrahan said the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue and his Government colleagues must defer implementation of this requirement and review the necessity of this additional and unnecessary cost burden on these vulnerable farm sectors.
He said in terms of reducing ammonia emissions and good nutrient management practices, the Department need to come forward with sensible and practical arrangements for farmers on these lower stocked and smaller scale farms. The trailing shoe and dribble bars are not viable options, they are unsafe and economically prohibitive.
The IFA National Livestock Chair said IFA have raised this issue with senior DAFM officials and it must be resolved, small scale dry stock farmers cannot be forced down this path particularly when tools suitable for their farming conditions are not available.