Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Report 20th January

There was no change in Irish pig prices on Friday last following the previous weeks drop of 4c/kg, with producers reporting quotes ranging from €2.05 – €2.10 available from processors in ROI – It’s worth nothing that there is good demand for pigs.

The EU average price for week 2 for grade E carcass was 191.7/kg excluding vat.  This represents a -1% change in last week’s prices and is -1.9% behind prices for the same month last year, while it is -8.4% behind the EU average grade E price  for the same week in 2024.

The weekly throughput for week ending the January 19th  was 66,822 of which 2,273 were sows.

Reports this week from the Destatis in Germany show that the number of pig farms in Germany has declined significantly, with a 3.4% (-600 farms )drop in one year and a 41.7% (-11,200 farms) decrease over the past decade, leaving 15,600 farms as of November 2024. Despite a steady pig herd size of 21.2 million (pigs raised in Germany), structural changes include larger farms averaging 1,400 pigs, while the total herd has decreased by 25.2% since 2014, reflecting a shift in farming practices.

Hog prices in china as of the 21.01 were reportedly 15.45 RMB lw which equates to €2.64/kg at 77% dw.

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