IFA Timber Price Survey Shows Stability

IFA Farm Forestry Chair Jason Fleming said the IFA timber price survey from April to June 2024 shows no major changes in prices received across all timber products since the first quarter of the year.
“Timber prices have been stable in the first half of 2024 with prices signalling a steady market demand,” Jason Fleming said.
The roadside prices quoted for Sitka spruce timber were:
- Pulpwood prices ranged from €36 – €40/tonne;
- Stakewood prices ranged from €42 – €52/tonne;
- Palletwood prices ranged from €48 – €66/tonne, depending on the length produced;
- Sawlog prices ranged from €88 – €100/tonne.
He said the stability in the Irish timber market reflects the broader trends across the EU and global markets, which remained balanced without any major disruptions.
“There is some variation in prices around the country and it is important for farmers to look around to optimise their return,” he said.
The prices quoted in the IFA Farm Forestry Timber Market report were sourced from forest owners, forestry companies and sawmills. The IFA Timber Price Survey can be accessed here.