Nitrates – A Farmer Discussion
Online Meeting and Q & A

On Thursday, 3rd December 2020, IFA held an online farmer discussion on nitrates and how the new statutory instrument and measures will affect farmers when they launch on the 1st January 2020 and how they best prepare for the changes.
Guest speakers were Jenny Deakin, Manager of the Catchment Science and Management Unit, EPA, Eddie Burgess Programme Manager of the Agricultural Catchments Programme and Bernard Harris, Nitrates Division, DAFM.
Videos of the talks and the presentations are available below.
Nitrates Discussion Videos
Jenny Deakin, EPA.
Edward Burgess, Teagasc.
Bernard Harris, Nitrates Division, DAFM
Presentations from the day
To view the full presentations from the speakers, click on the images below.
Agriculture and Water Quality: Moving Forward
Jenny Deakin
Manager of the Catchment Science and Management Unit, EPA
How Soil, Stocking Rate & the Weather Influence Quality
Edward Burgess
Programme Manager of the Agricultural Catchments Programme
Maps of Watercourses for Bovine Exclusion
A number people had queries regarding maps to identify watercourses in Appendix 1 – Maps for definition of Watercourses for Bovine Exclusion.
Maps for the definition of Watercourses, which have to be fenced from bovines, can be found here.
There is no requirement to buy maps – viewing is available for free.
Guide to Using Maps Online
Click on Customise (blue button on the bottom right hand side of page) and choose scale 1:5000
The Customise button will zoom in to the location and identify the farm as required by scrolling.
Go to OSI online store, professional products, land and property, place map, customise. You can bring up a 1:5000 of a particular area by zooming in from a map of Ireland or putting in the address and doing a search.
You are only required to fence If there is a solid blue line on the map of your farm.