Irish pig prices remain stable and appear to have now reached the bottom of the market. Pig farmers are receiving €1.64c/kg – €1.66c/kg in all the main export plants this week. 2c/kg more is being paid for early deliveries, but on a very positive note, a number of the more domestic focused, smaller pig processors are paying €1.68c/kg.
This is on the back of a strong home market, combined with a finely balanced supply of factory fit pigs. There was a slight backlog on a small number of pig farms over the past two months, but this is now cleared and processors are finding they must compete for the final few loads of pigs to fill up their weekly kill. Pig Chairman, Tom Hogan reported after a Bord Bia Meat & Livestock meeting this week, that the fundamentals of the worldwide pigmeat market remained very positive, and all analysts are pointing towards a pig price recovery.
Prices this week
Rosderra- €1.64-1.66c/kg
Kepak 1.64- 1.66
Staunton’s €1.64-1.68
Dawn P&B €1.64-1.68
Sows €0.62c/kg