There was no announced change to Irish pig prices on Friday. Producers are reporting quotes of at least €2.28 – €2.34 available from processors in ROI, with some reporting up to €2.36/kg signalling strong demand for pigs with the average price circa €2.30/kg following a further increase of 2c/kg delivered to many producers.
The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 24 was €2.21/kg (Excluding vat). Some of the highest prices observed are in; Spain €2.36/kg, France €2.42/kg.
The weekly throughput for week ending June 16th was 63,565 of which 1,949 were sows.
The USDA released its latest crop progress report including data up to week ending 16 June. In a pre-report poll carried out by Reuters, analysts on average had expected winter wheat harvest to have reached 22% completion. However, the USDA reported that harvest was now 27% complete, well ahead of estimates and the five-year average of 14% at this point in the season (Ahdb). Over the next few weeks harvest pressure from the US could continue, though information on yield and quality will also be a key point of interest.