European Commission Daily News 15th Ma

Eurogroup meeting and informal videoconference of economy and finance ministers, 15 – 16 March 2021
Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni will represent the Commission at the Eurogroup meeting, which is being held today by video conference. On the basis of a technical note prepared by the Commission, the members of the Eurogroup will discuss the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the different sectors of the euro area economy. They will also discuss budgetary support measures on the basis of the Commission communication on this subject published on 3 March, with a focus on the budgetary strategy and stance of the euro area. They will discuss the 9th enhanced surveillance report on Greece and, in view of the forthcoming spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund, they will discuss the development of exchange rates. At the Eurogroup meeting in open configuration (27 members), ministers will discuss the international role of the euro in view of the euro zone summit, which will take place on March 26, 2021. Commissioner Gentiloni will represent the Commission during the press conference following the meeting. Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis, Commissioner Gentiloni and Commissioner McGuinness will represent the Commission at the informal videoconference of tomorrow’s economy and finance ministers. Ministers will discuss the way forward on tax challenges related to the digital transformation of the economy. The debate will take place in the context of the ongoing negotiations in the OECD / G20 format. Ministers will take stock of the economic situation and outlook in the European Union in view of the COVID-19 crisis and the Commission will present its communication on the response to fiscal policy. The Presidency will provide an overview of the state of play on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, followed by a debate on priorities for national plans. The Presidency will also brief ministers on the procedure for adopting conclusions on the retail payments strategy, which the Commission presented in September 2020, and on the state of play of legislative proposals relating to financial services. The Presidency and the Commission will brief ministers on the results of a meeting held between finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 on February 26, 2021. Finally, ministers will take stock of the preparations for the meetings of the G20. spring of the G20 and the IMF, which will be held from 7 to 10 April 2021. Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis will represent the Commission at the press conference following the meeting.
Read the European Commission Daily News in full here.