European Commission Daily News 4th May

Commission extends flexibilities of Common Agricultural Policy checks for 2021
With restrictions still in place across the EU, the Commission adopted today rules to extend to 2021 flexibilities for carrying out checks required for Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support. The rules allow the replacement of on-farm visits with the use of alternative sources of evidence, including new technologies such as satellite imagery or geo-tagged photos. This will ensure reliable checks while respecting the restriction of movement and minimising physical contact between farmers and inspectors. Furthermore, the rules include flexibility around timing requirements for checks. This allows Member States to postpone checks, notably to a period when movement restrictions are lifted. In addition, the rules comprise a reduction of the number of physical on-the-spot checks to be carried out for area and animal-related measures, rural development investments and market measures. These rules aim to ease the administrative burden of national paying agencies by adapting to current circumstances while still ensuring necessary controls for CAP support. More information on the CAP’s management and control systems is available here. More information is also available here.
EU-UK cooperation in civil and commercial matters: Commission publishes Communication on the UK’s application to join the 2007 Lugano Convention
The European Commission has today published a Communication on the United Kingdom’s application to join the Lugano Convention, which is an international convention that, amongst other things, extends the benefits of the EU’s framework on the recognition and enforcement of civil and commercial judgments to the EFTA States. These countries participate, at least partly, in the EU’s internal market, comprising the free movement of goods, services, capital and persons. Given the UK’s decision to leave the EU, its Single Market and Customs Union, as well as its decision to have a more distant relationship with the EU than EEA-EFTA countries, the Commission takes the view that the EU should not give its consent to the UK’s request to join the Convention. As for all other third countries, the EU consistently strives for cooperation in the framework of the multilateral Hague Conventions. The Commission has conducted a thorough assessment of the UK’s request and has discussed it with Member States. The European Commission considers that the right framework for future cooperation between the European Union and the United Kingdom in the field of civil and commercial matters is provided by the multilateral Hague Conventions instead of the Lugano Convention. The European Parliament and the Council now have an opportunity to express their views before the Commission informs the Lugano Depositary accordingly. More details can be found in today’s Communication.
European Development Days: 17 inspirational young leaders will share their vision on solutions to climate change
The European Commission announced this morning the names of the 17 inspiring young people from around the world who will enrich the debates at the 2021 European Development Days (EDD) taking place on 15 and 16 June in a digital format. These young leaders, aged between 21 and 26, have been chosen from among 202 applicants from 99 countries for their exceptional skills, expertise and active contributions to find solutions to climate change issues. They come from a wide range of countries: Mongolia, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, Zambia, Liberia, Kenya, Nigeria, Honduras, Zimbabwe, India, Lebanon and Vietnam. They will share their vision on how to sustain the planet for future generations, the main topic of this year’s edition of the EDD, by participating in high-level panels and special events at the EDD. Since 2015, the Young Leaders Programme has been aiming to ensure that young people have their say on the issues spotlighted each year. The Young Leaders will be able to share their views and experiences with heads of State, human rights activists, business and industry leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, representatives from non-governmental organisations and academics during the forum’s high-level panels. Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen said: “Because young people are the pillars of tomorrow’s world, the European Union supports their empowerment wherever society needs their inspiration and courage to shape a greener and fairer world and to protect our planet. Through the Young Leaders Programme, the European Commission wants to give a voice to them. We believe in their invaluable contribution to global development efforts.” The 2021 European Development Days will focus on the international community’s strategic response to climate change and to the protection of biodiversity: ‘The Green deal for a sustainable future’ is this year’s topic. The event will bring together key players from the whole world. For more information see the website and the hashtags #EDD21 and #EDDyoungleaders.
Read the European Commission Daily News in full here.