
IFA and UK Farming Unions Discuss Brexit

In advance of the European Council meeting on 10th April, where an extension to Article 50 could be agreed, the IFA has met with its UK farming counterparts – UFA, NFU, NFU Scotland, and NFU Cymru to discuss the impact of the UK leaving the EU without a deal.
IFA president, Joe Healy said, “For months now we have been calling for clarity. It is crucial politicians prioritise the needs of business and the welfare and long-term prosperity of the agri-food sector. Food and farming play a key role in both the Irish and UK economies and every effort should made to ensure the industry is protected.
“It is unbelievable that farmers and growers in Ireland, the UK and in the rest of Europe are still operating without any certainty on a future trading relationship. This is having real world business consequences right now as well as causing unnecessary stress and huge anxiety for farmers who simply don’t know what trading conditions they will be operating under in the future.
“We want to make clear that a no deal exit would be economically disastrous, and that we need to avoid a catastrophic, disorderly exit from the EU. Any extension must be used constructively and not merely delay no deal, setting up another ‘cliff edge’ scenario.
“There is a common call coming from organisations representing thousands of farming families to ensure free and frictionless trade, alignment on high standards of production, and a determination to cooperate for the best possible future for our members.
“The location of our meeting is significant. Farming families in border regions, have much to lose in a no deal scenario or a badly managed Brexit. They can expect to face major disruptions to their businesses and indeed daily life.
“It is vital it is understood what is at stake. We stand with other farming organisations in our call for sufficient time to establish a way forward that recognises the needs of farming businesses across Europe.”

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