IFA Countryside Call for Stronger Penalties to Tackle Scourge of Litter Dumping in Rural Ireland

IFA Deputy President and Countryside spokesman Tim O’ Leary has called on the Department of Environment to introduce tougher penalties to ensure that local authorities implement existing laws more effectively to curb the increasing incidence of littering by passing motorists in the countryside.
Mr. O’Leary said, “IFA has conducted a comprehensive survey of our members, which highlights that over 60% of members are concerned about the issue of rural littering. 95% of those surveyed would support the introduction of stronger penalties being imposed on anyone who dumps litter out of cars and along roadside verges”.
Tim O’ Leary called on the Department of the Environment to step up to their responsibility, and get serious about tackling the scourge of rural littering by increasing penalties on culprits. “Local authorities should be directed to improve litter enforcement activity. If local authorities are serious about tackling littering in the countryside, then they must impose on-the-spot fines and increase penalties for repeat offenders.”