IFA Statement on CAP Position

The IFA position on CAP reform was developed by the CAP Project Team. This followed extensive discussions and engagement with members, including a full round of regional meetings in January.
It was discussed and approved by the elected members of National Council, which is the Association’s ruling body, on May 4th.
IFA will use all reasonable means to defend the reputation of our Association, officers and staff, and their families, from any inaccurate, personalised or derogatory comments. Such commentary has no place in IFA.
IFA is a democratic organisation with established structures. We welcome robust policy debate.
Any member who wishes to make a policy proposal within IFA can do so through their county executive or through a National Committee.
At the meeting today, the National Council referred a number of potential breaches of the IFA rules and Code of Conduct to the National Rules Committee.
The real problem with CAP reform is that the EU expect farmers to do more for less money, in real terms. EU policy makers have tried to distract from this by a host of proposals to redistribute money and divide farmers.
IFA’s focus remains on securing the best possible outcome for farmers. We want the Government to honour its commitment to provide investment of €1.5bn for farmers from the carbon tax. This must be targeted at the low-income sectors.