IFA will hosting an online webinar next Thurs at 8pm to look at the key issue for farmers in 2022: the cost of inputs.
‘Input price challenges – Impact, Outlook & Strategies to mitigate’ will have a range of experts who will assess the year ahead and provide strategies to offset rising costs.
IFA President Tim Cullinan has said Irish farming is facing a very challenging year as the cost of doing business threatens to wipe out some modest gains in 2021.
“Family farms could be overwhelmed by the steep increases in costs such as feed, energy and fertiliser. We need the EU Commission, Government and industry to respond quickly and offer tangible financial supports such as the removal of EU anti-dumping duties and low-cost finance options, to minimise cashflow pressure on-farm,” he said.
Guest speakers include Liam Woulfe, CEO Grassland Agro; Rory Deverell, Risk Consultant with StoneX; David Wall, Teagasc Research Officer; and Liam MacHale, IFA European Office Director. The speakers will provide an outlook for fertiliser markets/feed inputs, strategies to mitigate the increased cost of fertiliser, and possible EU interventions.
With an end to the closed period for spreading slurry, artificial fertiliser, farmyard manure and other organic fertilisers upon us, farmers throughout the country will be planning how best to negotiate record fertiliser prices, limited supplies and elevated feed prices in the weeks ahead.
“We have already seen several Member States introduce various financial support packages for their respective pig sectors. I’m calling on Minister McConalogue and his officials to look at similar measures, not only for the pig sector, but for all those hit by these phenomenal input price surges,” he said.
“As an industry, we celebrated the announcement of record agri-food exports last week. It can’t be forgotten that all this product originated from farms through the hard work of farm families. If they’re not supported in times of income downturn or financial pressures, the impact will be far wider than the farming community. In the interim, we hope that this virtual event will provide some practical insights and tips to help farm families overcome these challenges,” he said.