€50m Still Due to Farmers in Glas – IFA Urges Full Pay-out

IFA has urged the Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed, to urgently make payments to the 13% of farmers in the GLAS Scheme still due their first payment, and to proceed to make the last part of all GLAS payments without further delay.
IFA Rural Development Chairman Joe Brady, said that since the 1st January, 4,900 farmers have received their 85% payments, on top of the 28,000 who were paid before the end of 2016. This leaves over 5,000 farmers still to be paid. The final 15% payment is due to all farmers and GLAS+ payment of up to €2,000 is due to 2,600 farmers.
Joe Brady said that in total around €50m is still due to GLAS farmers and the delays in their payments are totally unacceptable as the situation has led to significant cash flow problems on many farms.
The IFA Rural Development Chairman has urged Minister Creed to ensure there is no repeat of this debacle later this year when full payment will be due to 52,000 farmers in the scheme.
IFA will be insisting that a cast-iron guarantee is given by the Minister that the Charter of Rights Commitment will not be flagrantly flouted again and payments will be made in the timelines that were committed to.