IFA Warns Minister All Files Must Be Fully Cleared for Final Basic Payment on December 1st

IFA Deputy President Richard Kennedy said the Minister of Agriculture Michael Creed must ensure that the Department of Agriculture has all files fully cleared for the final BPS payment due on December 1st.
He said the final payment should be worth up to €400m and this money must get out to farmers well before Christmas.
On ANCs, Richard Kennedy said it is important that as the minimum stocking rates are cleared and the yellow card system for overclaims is in place, all outstanding payments are made.
The IFA Deputy President said farmers need their payments on time this year as the income crisis at farm family level is very severe.
Richard Kennedy also called for all other payments to be made without delay including GLAS, BDGP and other schemes. On GLAS, he pointed out that farmers have already incurred significant costs through planner fees and compliance costs, which have impacted severely on cash flow.