Review of TAMS Costings Must Include All Applications Approved Under Tranche 22

IFA Rural Development Chairman Michael Biggins has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue that the review of the reference costings for grant-aided work under the TAMS on-farm investment scheme is complete.
The Department of Agriculture carried out this costings review, and the changes will be implemented from the opening of TAMS tranche 23, which commenced on July 24th.
Speaking after a meeting with the Department of Agriculture, the IFA Rural Development Chairman said, “Materials such as steel, timber and concrete have seen steep price increases this year, up to 40% in some cases. The costings increase means that farmers will receive a grant that reflects the investment costs incurred”.
“TAMS tranche 22 closed for applications on Friday last (July 23rd). All tranche 22 applicants should be included. To not do so will put them at a substantial financial disadvantage.”
To keep pace with rising costs, this review must be repeated, and the findings be ready for implementation for the opening of TAMS tranche 24, which is due to open in November 2021.
Michael Biggins said, “I’m calling on the Minister of Agriculture to ensure all applicants who have applied in tranche 22 get the opportunity to avail of the revised costings retrospectively. He must ensure that the costings are reviewed again for tranche 24 to keep pace with current price inflation”.