An Taisce Objections to Cheese Plant an Abuse of Planning System

IFA President Tim Cullinan has accused An Taisce of abusing their position as a prescribed body under the Planning Act by continually objecting to the Glanbia cheese plant application in the courts.
“The latest appeal to the Supreme Court is likely to stall the project for a further six months. An Taisce has a prescribed role in the planning system, yet they are bringing the statutory planning body An Bord Pleanála through the courts because they won’t accept their decision, or indeed a decision of the High Court,” he said.
“On each occasion, the process has found in favour of the application. Objecting for the sake of it is an abuse of the system,” he said.
The Glanbia project was designed as a response to the challenge from Brexit and the need for our sector to diversify its products and seek new markets.
“Agriculture is the most exposed sector in the country. It’s irresponsible of An Taisce to continually obstruct a valid initiative that is designed to safeguard the livelihoods of farm families and the rural economy in the south east,” he said.