Bim Galway Bay Announcement – IFA Welcomes Plan for Growth and Jobs on the West Coast Through Aquaculture

Welcoming the reassessment by BIM of their 15,000 tonne salmon farm application in Galway Bay in light of the Government’s National Strategic Plan for Aquaculture, IFA’s aquaculture members (representing the €130 million farmed seafood sector) has responded saying that the State commitment to growth, jobs, investment and improved regulation was the right platform to launch a new era of development for the sector.
Reacting to today’s decision by the board of BIM to withdraw and reassess the Galway Bay application, IFA Aquaculture Executive, Richie Flynn said, “The scene is now set to make serious progress on outstanding licence renewals and applications being sought by commercial companies with over 30 years’ experience in the business. These appeared to have been held up in anticipation of the Galway licence decision.
“The industry looks forward to implementing the recently published ‘National Strategic Plan for aquaculture’ with the agencies and Department and especially to regaining its position as a world leader in quality farmed organic salmon which is in high demand worldwide. With that focus comes the prospect of more secure jobs in the farming processing and service sectors right up the west coast in areas crying out for direct investment and employment.”