Budget Funding for Tillage Sector with €10m Pilot Scheme

IFA Grain Committee Chairman Mark Browne has welcomed the announcement by Minister McConalogue of funding for several pilot measures in the agri-environment area.
“The ringfencing of €10 million for the tillage sector is a positive move,” he said
“While exact details of the measures involved in the pilot scheme are not finalised, it will be important that proposed actions are practical and pragmatic, to ensure full uptake of the scheme,” he said
“Concerning participants in the existing GLAS scheme, these tillage farmers should be able to avail of the new pilot scheme,” he said.
The Chairman also acknowledged the Minister’s reference to the pressures on the tillage sector.
Mark Browne said tillage farmers have endured a torrid season and were now facing consecutive years of income decline, combined with the challenges of the new CAP, third-country grain imports, loss of PPPs etc.
Mark Browne said he looked forward to a meeting with the Minister to discuss these, and other issues, facing the sector.