Farm-to-farm Trade Is a Win-win for Livestock and Grain Farmers – Dunne

IFA National Grain Committee Chairman Liam Dunne said that trading grain direct farm-to-farm is a win-win situation for both livestock and grain farmers given the current trade price offers.
Mr. Dunne said, “Livestock farmers can take out considerable costs such as multiple transport charges, manufacturing and retail margins etc. associated with compound feed by purchasing feed grains direct from tillage farmers. This is the most efficient route to market for grain farmers providing much needed competition while allowing livestock feeders to purchase quality feed at first cost.”
“Grain off the combine is the best value feed that money can buy as cereals are the most versatile feed available. The advent of newer processing and storage technologies has opened up the possibility of on farm storage for an increased number of livestock farmers. Cereals are the highest energy feed ingredient and represent unparalleled value for money. Their performance is unquestionable, both in terms of increased milk proteins and carcase gain in beef animals. Trading farm-to–farm offers opportunity to both grower and feeder in terms of increased margin and considerably reduced costs.The ongoing promotion of farm-to-farm trade for cereals by IFA in recent years has seen a significant increase in volume traded this route.”
“Invariably once the harvest is complete merchants will close the store doors and the price of grain and feed will rise. Compound feed rations are over-priced when compared to the cost of the constituent feed ingredients. Trading direct farm-to-farm eliminates a lot of unnecessary costs allowing increased margins both for growers and feeders.”