IFA Inputs Project Team Leader John Coughlan has called on the feed mills to pass through immediately the fall in feed ingredient raw material prices to livestock farmers.
Mr. Coughlan said, “There has been a very significant drop in the price of many key feed ingredients used in compound livestock rations over the last six months, ranging from €15/t to €90/t. Soybean meal prices are down by approximately €90/t, dried barley by close on €30/t, soya hulls €45/t to €50/t. Prices of other fillers including; distillers grains, corn gluten, palm kernel etc. are also well back. However, this is not being reflected in compound feed prices charged by the mills and the trade to farmers.”
“The last eight to nine months have been a very trying time for livestock farmers as many had to contend with the extreme challenges posed by last summer’s drought and subsequent forage / fodder shortages, not to mention the huge additional cost burden.
Pig farmers and winter beef finishers have also suffered significant financial losses due to much reduced meat prices and inflated feed costs. It is vital that the significant fall in feed raw material costs are passed back immediately to farmers,” concluded the IFA Inputs Project Team Leader.