Glanbia Shareholders Should Make Their Vote Count on Thursday

IFA President Joe Healy has urged farmers to attend Glanbia Co-op’s Special General Meeting on Thursday to make crucial decisions on the important proposed changes to the Glanbia structure.
“It is welcome that the proposals increase farmers’ control and ownership of Glanbia consumer foods, including liquid milk, and agri-business in Ireland. The proposals also recognise the need for a more sustainable mechanism to support farmers through volatile product prices, while funding important investment to process additional milk output,” Joe Healy said.
While the company structure is of major importance, the key issue for farmers into the future is that Glanbia consistently pays leading base prices for milk and grain, and that inputs are competitively priced.
Joe Healy said Glanbia is one of the most important operators in Ireland’s agri-business sector, and its ongoing success is of vital importance to all Irish farmers.
Glanbia have extensively engaged with their members to explain the proposals to shareholders. It is important that all shareholders attend the meeting in Punchestown on Thursday to play an active part in deciding the future of their business.