Govt not Fully Grasping Inequity of Zoned Residential Tax on Farmers

Speaking after attending Leaders Questions in the Dáil this afternoon, IFA Farm Business Chair Rose Mary McDonagh said the Government isn’t fully grasping the inequity of the Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) on farmers, and the reality that this penal tax will force farmers to sell land that they rely upon to generate an income for themselves and their families.
‘It’s illogical to press ahead with this poorly-designed, ill-targeted, disproportionate tax on farm families, particularly when the situation differs across the country,” she said.
IFA is getting an increasing number of calls from farmers who are very concerned about this tax. Most are looking for information on how they can challenge any potential liability, but we are also getting calls from farmers who have residential zoned and serviced land on the market for years, but simply can’t find a buyer for it. It’s inequitable on both to impose this penal tax.
IFA will host an online information session on Thurs evening at 8pm (details are here) to raise awareness of the RZLT, and give some guidance to farmers wishing to make a submission to their Local Authority.
“There’s huge amount of uncertainty out there, and farmers want support in preparing a submission against this tax. A local planner and a solicitor will share their knowledge and experience.”
“A complete overhaul of the proposed tax needs to be carried out, with productive farmed land used as an integral part of the business completely exempt,” she said.
“We’ve being lobbying on this as a matter of priority since the 2021 Finance Bill and the impact it may have on farm families. Only last week, we sent almost all in Cabinet and a number of Ministers of State a letter again highlighting our concerns. The lack of action and engagement from key Government Departments on this has been very frustrating. Our campaign will continue to get an exemption for productive farm land,” she said.