Hogget Prices Push on a Further 30c/kg – IFA

IFA Sheep Chair Adrian Gallagher said demand for sheep meat is intensifying every week against a backdrop of tight supplies.
He said factories are struggling to match supplies with demand for the upcoming Easter and Ramadan festivals, which are major annual events for sheep meat demand.
Both festivals falling in the month of March has intensified the pressure on factories to service key customers in the coming weeks.
Adrian Gallagher said, importantly, this demand is also reflected in our key markets, with UK sheep meat prices rising by 30p/kg.
“Prices this week are ranging from €8.10/kg to €8.30/kg in general, with up to €8.50/kg paid to weights of 24kgs. Cull ewes are making from €3.30/kg to €3.70/kg in general.”
He said sheep farmers should sell hard given the very strong and rising markets.