IFA Encourage Farmers to be SunSmart

As the Irish weather becomes increasingly warmer over the summer months, IFA National Farm Family and Social Affairs Chair Alice Doyle is encouraging farmers to protect their skin from sun and reduce risk of skin cancer as they work outdoors.
“Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Ireland with almost 13,000 cases diagnosed each year. Most people living in Ireland have fair skin, the type which burns easily and tans poorly, so are at high risk of UV damage and skin cancer,” Alice Doyle said.
Alice Doyle stated that protecting your skin from the sun whether at home or abroad can reduce your risk of skin cancer.
It is important to make sun protection part of your daily routine, especially from May to September, even when it is cloudy. Farmers are exposed to 2-3 times more UV radiation from the sun compared with people who work indoors, putting them at a higher risk of skin cancer.
“The best way to protect your skin is to follow the #SunSmart 5 S’s: Slip-on clothing that covers your skin, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a wide-brimmed hat, Seek shade, and Slide on sunglasses,” she said.