IFA Meets Minister Coveney on Sheep Issues at Ploughing

IFA President Eddie Downey and the IFA Sheep Chairman John Lynskey met with the Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney on the IFA Stand at the National Ploughing Championships this week and raised a number of important issues for the sheep sector, including increased supports across the farm schemes.
Minister Coveney gave a commitment to an early meeting with the IFA on the sheep sector and also acknowledged the importance and value of the sector to the wider economy.
John Lynskey outlined the importance of allowing sheep farmers with another enterprise to draw down a full payment under the Knowledge Transfer (KT) scheme. He said the Minister recognised the entitlement of sheep farmers with dual enterprises to a KT payment.
On TAMS, John Lynskey told the Minister he must reinstate grant aid for sheep fencing in the new scheme.
The IFA Sheep farmers’ leader also outlined the importance of increased supports for the sheep sector in the forthcoming Budget. He said increased supports are essential to maintain the national ewe flock, which is under pressure.