Larry Hannon Elected Vice Chairman of the IFA National Liquid Milk Committee

IFA National Liquid Milk Chairman John Finn has announced that outgoing FMP Chairman Larry Hannon was yesterday (Thurs) elected by his fellow Liquid Milk Committee members as Vice Chairman.
Larry farms in Ballytore, Co. Kildare, and supplies his fresh milk year-round to Glanbia Ireland.
John Finn said, “I am delighted to have Larry as my Vice Chairman; his experience within FMP will stand to the Committee, and I look forward to working closely with him”.
Larry Hannon said, “I am deeply committed to fighting on behalf of fellow farmers, side by side with our Chairman, for the sustainability of our specialist production system. This is particularly important with the current spate of aggressive retail discounting, and our dairies must stand up to retailer pressures, sell hard, and ensure farmers do not suffer consequences from retailers’ unsustainable discounting”.