Major Market Demand for Lamb

IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey said demand for lambs will be very strong over the next number of weeks in the lead in to the Eid Muslim festival and farmers should demand full value for their stock.
He said prices at the factories were stronger this week with €5.20/kg widely available and tops of €5.25/5.30/kg.
John Lynskey said retail demand for lamb is strong and factories are very anxious for numbers. In addition, he said carcass weight cut off at the factories is also rising with an increased number of plants moving up to 22kgs. Ewes are making €3.00/kg.
In the lead into the Eid Muslim festival, John Lynskey said peak weekly kill at the factories would normally exceed 70,000 head and this will involve a major lift from the 52,000 head processed last week.
John Lynskey the mart trade is also strong with active farmer and live export buying. Live buying outlets are offering from €2.30/2.35/kg lw. He said the breeding sales are in full swing and also going well.