Minister Must Intervene to Ensure Ccpc Investigates Abp/slaney Deal

IFA President Joe Healy has called on Agriculture Minister Michael Creed to immediately intervene with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) to insist that they seek the referral of the ABP/Slaney case from DG Competition in Brussels back to Ireland for investigation so that serious issues around competition in the sale of cattle are fully investigated.
Joe Healy deplored attempts by the CCPC to wash their hands of the ABP/Slaney deal and ignore the serious competition issues in the Irish market by leaving the investigation of the case to the Brussels authorities.
The IFA President said Irish livestock farmers are seriously concerned over the weak competition for cattle in the Irish market described in the IFA commissioned report and the risks that the ABP/Slaney deal would further reduce competition for cattle.
He said, “Minister Creed cannot allow the Irish competition authority to escape their responsibilities and pass the buck onto Brussels.” Farmers expect Minister Creed to follow up on his predecessor Minister Coveney’s intervention with the CCPC last spring and formally request that they investigate the very real concerns over competition in this case.