IFA Call for 3c/l February Milk Price Lift Vindicated by Irish Dairy Board

IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Kevin Kiersey said the increase in the February top ups for both SMP and butter, as announced by the Irish Dairy Board to co-ops, amounted to a 2.9c/l increase in the IDB index to 37.83c/l (at 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat). He said this confirmed exactly what IFA predicted earlier this month.
“Our analysis of the market return improvements during February and our call for a 3c/l price lift in the February milk price to 33c/l + VAT were clearly correct, as confirmed by the Irish Dairy Board announcement.”
Kevin Kiersey said, “Most co-operative boards have yet to sit down to decide on the price they will pay for February milk. They should ignore the premature and insufficient decisions taken by both Glanbia and Kerry, and lift their February milk price by at least 3 cents per litre to 33 c/l + VAT. Meanwhile, Glanbia and Kerry need to revisit their decision at the earliest opportunity, to make sure their suppliers are not left short.”