IFA – Notify Icbf on Sucker Welfare Scheme to Get Paid in December

IFA National Livestock Committee Chairman Michael Doran has said that up to 25,000 farmers are in a position to get paid €18m under the Suckler Cow Welfare Scheme for 2011 in December provided they return the post weaning forms to ICBF immediately.
In a push to maximise payments under the 2011 Suckler Welfare Scheme, Michael Doran said farmers have already notified ICBF of pre-weaning meal feeding on over 400,000 animals, and with most of these weanlings now sold, if they return the post weaning forms, they can get paid in December.
Michael Doran strongly encouraged farmers to notify ICBF with both pre and post weaning forms as soon as possible. He said the Department has confirmed to IFA that they will pay 2011 claims in December provided the data is back to ICBF in good time.
Michael Doran said that to date this year the Department have paid out over €20.4m on the 2010 scheme. €24m was paid out on over 600,000 animals under the 2009 scheme and a total of €64m for the 2008 scheme, when the payment rate was €80 per cow.
Michael Doran also encouraged suckler farmers to finalise any outstanding payments or queries with the Department of Agriculture from either their 2009 or 2010 applications. He said the Department are continuing to resolve problems and make payments due on outstanding animals under the Sucker Welfare Scheme.