IFA to Hold Industry Round Table on Relationship Between Active Farmer Shareholders and Co-ops

IFA National Dairy Committee Chairman Kevin Kiersey has announced the IFA had invited industry representatives to a Dairy Industry Round Table discussion on Thursday January 12th, at which he will present IFA’s recommendations on the relationship between active shareholders and co-ops in the context of the post 2015 dairy expansion.
Kevin Kiersey said, “The Round Table will be opened by President John Bryan. We have invited all dairy co-op Chairmen and CEOs, ICOS and the Irish Dairy Board to attend. This event will also be attended by the IFA National Dairy Committee, who drew up the recommendations.”
“In the context of the planned post-2015 dairy expansion, we in IFA believe that it is essential to strengthen the connection between active farmer shareholders and their co-ops. We intend to discuss our detailed recommendations as to how co-ops should provide opportunities and encouragement to all active shareholders to up their shareholding in the co-op. For active milk suppliers, we believe this level should be agreed within each co-op and directly linked to milk supplies, so that all supplier shareholders to that co-op would be on an even footing, including new entrants,” he concluded.