IFA – Strong Eu Forecast for Beef Market

IFA National Livestock Committee Chairman Henry Burns said having fed cattle for 4 to 6 months at this stage and incurred several increases in the costs of feed, fuel and fertiliser, winter finishers are not going to part with cattle easy at this time. He said finishers digging in on price are getting 5c – 10c/kg over the going rates.
Henry Burns said steers and heifers are very scarce with a base price of €4.10/kg for steers and €4.20/kg for heifers and up to €4.25/kg being paid to get numbers. He said bulls are making €4.10/€4.20/kg for R/U grades. Cow prices have increased this week reflecting the very strong manufacturing trade, with quality R grade cows making in excess of €4.00/kg.
The IFA livestock leader said following a meeting of the EU Beef Advisory Committee in Brussels last week, the EU Commission are forecasting a positive beef trade for 2012 with prices predicated to increase by 6% this year.