No Change in Irish Pig Price

No change in the Irish pig price again this week with most regular suppliers receiving around the €1.40c/kg mark for their pigs.
There is no doubt that there are some pig farmers, especially those with smaller consignments of pigs to sell, being forced to accept less than this price this week. Conversely, regular suppliers are receiving 2-4c/kg above the €1.40c/kg price from their processors.
Finally, there is positive news on the price, with news of a 3c/kg rise in pig price being paid by German processors this week. Albeit, form a low base price, any increase is positive and indicates that the spiral into financial crisis on all European pig farms may be at an end.
To prevent this crisis developing on Irish pig farms, an increase in the pig price is imperative in the month of February, and with increasing costs, a price in excess of €1.50c/kg needs to be realised in the very near future.
Ireland’s percentage of the EU price has improved and is currently 103% of the EU average price as reported to the EU Commission for the week commencing 22/01/2018.
Factory pig throughput in Republic of Ireland export plants for the week ending January 27th 2018 was 67,280 head which was 706 head less than the previous week and 1,836 more than in the corresponding week in 2017. Slaughterings in ROI export plants is 2.8% ahead the same period in 2017.
Export Plants: Top prices on a flat rate basis </= €1.40c/kg in Kepak, Rosderra, Staunton’s and Cookstown and </= €1.42/ €1.44c/kg in Dawn Pork and Bacon.
Sows: 60 – 75c/kg DW.
Weekly Slaughterings: Week-ending 27/01/2018 Pigs: 67,280 Sows: 1,905
Irish price €1.38kg
EU–27 average price €1.34kg
(Grade E pigs – 55% to 60% lean meat excluding VAT but including transport and bonuses).