Revitalising Derelict Houses on Farmland Could Help Meet Housing Demand

Housing Demand
Addressing the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture on Revitalising Derelict & Vacant Houses on Farmland, IFA Deputy President Brian Rushe said vacant and derelict homes on farmlands across the country could play a role in dealing with the demand for housing.
“During a time of such housing needs, revitalising derelict and vacant houses on farmland is an option,” Brian Rushe said.
“We need to ensure that houses that already exist are being fully used, and a specific policy is in place to tackle the blight of vacancy and dereliction which is a feature of many villages and communities in rural Ireland,” he said.
“While it might not contribute the most significant quantum of development, it should be possible to bring much needed vacant houses onto the market in locations that will make an impact on housing needs in many towns and villages,” he said.
IFA National Farm Family & Social Affairs Committee Chair Alice Doyle said the revitalisation of vacant and derelict homes can have a positive effect on the survival of rural communities.
“Farmhouse revitalisation is essential to rural and farming communities, adding a level of vibrancy into rural areas which is critical for these locations to prosper,” she said.
Alice Doyle also called for those who are from farms be allowed to live in their own homes on that farm, whether it be in the re-use of old builds or new builds. “It will enable the person to continue to live in their local community; raise a family in their local community; have the support of family and neighbours; and relieve pressure for housing in busy urban centres,” Alice Doyle concluded