Select Lambs Carefully and Move as They Become Fit

IFA National Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy said factories have increased maximum carcase weights on spring lambs up to 20.5kg this week, with some doing deals at 21kgs.
He said prices are holding between €6.10 and €6.30/kg.
On hoggets, quality is all important, with good quality in spec stock making €5.60 to €5.70/kg. He said hogget numbers are drying up fast.
“Spring lamb numbers are rising, but there is no big flush as grass supplies are tight in places and the weather is still cold. February born lambs are beginning to emerge at this stage,” he said.
Sean Dennehy said farmers should continue to select stock carefully and move lambs as they become fit.
“They should keep a close eye on weights to avoid any unnecessary cuts or free lamb to the factories,” he concluded.