Severe Weather Impacting on Sheep Farmers

Farmers are resisting factory pressure on lamb prices, IFA National Sheep Chairman John Lynskey said today.
He said that despite lower quoted prices, farmers are negotiating €5.60 to €5.70/kg for lamb this week. He added that with Easter Sunday on March 27th, factories would be buying for this from next week on. In addition, he said imported lamb will not work for all of the domestic retailers who are insisting on Bord Bia Quality Assurance.
John Lynskey said the prolonged harsh weather is having a severe impact on sheep farms. He said sheep farmers are having to feed extra concentrates supplements, which are adding substantial to costs.
“For lambs and hoggets, feeding costs are rising substantially and farmers can not countenance any reduction in prices at this expensive time of year.”
John Lynskey said farmers’ ewe flocks are also encountering substantial additional costs in terms of meal feeding. He said the management and feeding of ewes and lambs in these difficult weather conditions was very demanding and farmers needed to be extra vigilant to maintain body condition and milk for ewes with lambs.