Strong Cattle Trade Evident

IFA National Livestock Chairman Angus Woods has said the cattle trade remains reasonably strong with the base price for steers at €4.10 and some top prices of €4.15/4.20. He said heifers have improved in price with €4.30/kg a more common base but prices ranging from €4.20 to €4.30.
On numbers, he said the weekly kill is running at 31,500 head but demand is very strong and there is not an ounce of beef in stock. He said the UK market continues to improve with very strong demand. UK prices of £3.64/kg are equivalent to €4.45/kg including VAT.
On live exports, Angus Woods said it is very positive to see another boat back in again to load for Turkey. He said it is essential for competition that a strong and vibrant live export trade is maintained through the summer and export numbers increase as we approach the second half of the year.