Strong Retail Demand Sees Cattle Prices Rising
IFA National Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden said cattle prices continue to strengthen driven by tighter supplies and strong retail demand. He said procurement managers and agents are on the road scrambling for stock, offering deals which include the full cost of transport, removal of weight restrictions and additional price top ups.
The base price continues to rise with some deals for steers at €3.55/3.60/kg and deals for heifers at €3.60/3.70/kg.
Brendan Golden said the supply balance has swung in favour of the farmer and feeders should dig in hard and negotiate a strong premium above the quoted base price as well as transport and other specifications.
The IFA Livestock Chairman said finishers are still taking a roasting on price and shipping serious losses compared to where they need to be to break even, or make a margin.
“IFA will continue to push Minister Creed hard to secure a direct payment for finishers to cover the COVID-19 and Brexit-related losses on cattle sold this year.”
On live exports, Brendan Golden said the Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed must intervene and resolve the issues between the Department and the exporter on the Algerian trade.
“At a time when finishers are encountering major losses and struggling to find a viable outlet for bulls, we cannot allow a live export opportunity to be missed.”