Strong Retail Trade for Lamb – IFA

IFA National Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy said the turmoil on the meat markets as a result of the COVID-19 crisis was having an impact on the sheep trade.
Sean Dennehy said it is critical to keep the supply chain operational and farmers need to continue to observe and implement the strict protocols in place.
“The closure of the restaurants and food service sector has been somewhat compensated by a stronger retail trade, with many more people eating at home.”
The IFA Sheep farmers leader pointed out that, to date this year, we have processed 100,000 more lambs than this time last year and demand will increase for Easter on April 12th and Ramadan on April 23rd.
Sean Dennehy said that this is the time of year when supplies are at their lowest and our domestic market is the most important one.
He said based on the impact of the restrictions and lockdowns across the EU, it is clear that Minister Creed will have to make a strong case for the EU Commission to step in to support both the trade, and farmers, at this extremely difficult time.