Tender for Turkish Live Exports a Positive Development – IFA

IFA National Livestock Chairman Angus Woods said today the opening of tenders by the Turkish Meat and Milk Board for the supply of live animals is a positive development and he expected Irish live exporters to tender for business.
He said the opening of tenders follows a lot of hard work and lobbying by IFA in opening the live trade to Turkey.
Angus Woods said the tender has opened for the supply of up to 50,000 weanlings for the month of September from EU member states. He said Ireland is in a strong position to supply as we have an abundant supply of suitable quality stock to meet the Turkish requirements. Angus Woods said Turkey has an import requirement for up to 400,000 head of young cattle annually and there will be further tenders in October and the following months.
The IFA National Livestock Chairman said Turkey is a great opportunity that Irish exporters need to make the most of. He said a strong live trade in the autumn is essential for competition and to put a strong floor under weanling prices. He said timing is important with weanling sales at marts increasing significantly in September.