
Threat of Legal Action by Factories Heavy-handed, Ill-advised & Counterproductive

IFA President Joe Healy has described the move by Meat Industry Ireland to take legal action as heavy-handed, ill-advised and counterproductive in terms of finding a solution to the very serious issues affecting beef farmers.

“Hauling beef farmers before the courts is not the answer to the hugely significant challenges facing the sector.

The current dispute is a product of the desperation farmers find themselves in. The reality is that if we don’t improve the situation of farmers, we won’t have any beef sector at all as farmers will go out of business.”

Meat Industry Ireland should not proceed with legal action at this point and instead focus on putting forward solutions to address the current crisis.

‘This problem will not be solved in the Four Courts,” he said.

“Meat Industry Ireland should set aside any pre-conditions and enter the talks proposed by Minister Creed immediately. The Minister should it make it clear to MII that he expects them to attend the talks, which he should convene today,” he said.

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