Tillage Farmers Face 3rd Successive Blow from CAP Plans

Tillage farmers are facing a third successive hit to their incomes following the announcement by Minister Charlie McConalogue to allocate 35% of Pillar I funding to Eco Schemes and to the Complementary Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS).
IFA National Grain Chairman Mark Browne said the decision to use 10% of funds for CRISS is the 3rd successive blow to commercial tillage farmers, following the earlier decisions on 85% internal convergence and flat rate eco-schemes in the CAP 2023 to 2027 proposals.
“According to Teagasc research, tillage farmers in Ireland are 80% dependent on direct payments for their income. Tillage farmers were hardest hit in the last CAP. The area devoted to tillage dropped by 20% as a result,” he said.
Confidence has only just returned to the tillage sector in 2021 with the planted cereal area increasing by 3.71%. Growers experiencing the combination of good yields, high prices and favourable weather conditions at harvest time.
A vibrant tillage sector is critical in helping Irish agriculture reach its upcoming environmental and biodiversity targets in the coming decade. The area under tillage cannot afford to drop back by 20% again as happened under the last reforms.
Whilst, the addition of extra funding under the Protein Aid Scheme and the introduction of the Straw Incorporation Measure into Pillar II funding are steps in the right direction, more support will be needed to offset the income lost through decisions in Pillar I.
“We urgently want to sit down in person with Minister McConalogue and discuss the effects these CAP proposals will have on commercial tillage farmers and the wider tillage industry,” the Chairman concluded.