Us Market Presents Opportunity for Irish Beef

IFA President Eddie Downey and National Livestock Chairman Henry Burns are part of an IFA delegation currently visiting Washington DC, following the opening of the US market to Irish beef exports.
Eddie Downey said the opening of the US market is a positive development and its significance will be judged by farmers securing improved beef prices from the marketplace in 2015. “The opportunity to develop new markets for our vital beef sector is welcome. The current beef supply shortage in the United States provides Ireland with a real market opportunity, especially in the short term as the US is in the process of rebuilding its beef herd.”
Mr. Downey said the opening of new markets for our beef and dairy products was a critical job of work for the Government.
He said the major increase in US beef prices, up by €1/kg in the last year and now at €5-€5.15/kg, must present a real opportunity for Irish grass-based beef exports. He said Minister Coveney has indicated that the US market could take up to 20,000t of Irish beef in 2015 and this would be substantial.