Beef & Sheep UpdateCattleCattle PricesSheepSheep Prices

Beef & Sheep Update 23rd April

Sheep and Cattle in Wicklow

Beef Update

At a recent meeting with Meat Industry Ireland (MII), IFA called for all meat processors to offer Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as a method of payment to farmers for cattle and sheep sales. IFA President Tim Cullinan has written to all MII requesting all its members offer the EFT facility to farmers selling animals. “The recent announcement that one of MII’s members will offer EFT is a positive move and we are now requesting that all other processors provide the same facility,” he said. IFA National Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden said it’s imperative and long overdue that EFT is offered by all meat processors, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as an example of why we need to move forward with this.

Beef Price Update 22/04/21

Steer base €4.00/4.10kg. Heifers €4.10/4.20kg. Higher deals. Market strong. Y Bulls R/U €4.00/4.20kg. Cows €3.20/3.70kg

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM – Week 15 (12.04.2021)

AnimalNumberChange prev. wk.% of totalYTDYTD Change
Y Bulls2180▲147%44282▼-15,540 
Bull497▼-117 2%6574▼-2,191 
Steer11340▼-260 37%170164▼-12,090 

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – Week 15 (12.04.2021)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)U3Changeprev wkR3Changeprev wkO3Changeprev wkP+3Changeprev wk
Y Bulls414▲9402▲8388▲10383▲13

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 SteersSteersHeifersHeifersY bullY bullCow
Price in c/kg(Incl VAT)495.7502.3496.9503.2492.9494.1358.8

Euro Price for the Most Recent Week  (€/KG Deadweight excl. VAT)

Country & Type13.04.201911.04.202010.04.2021
EU + Y Bulls€ 3.61€ 3.44€ 3.77
IE + Steers€ 3.65€ 3.45€ 3.90
UK + Steers € 3.99€ 3.79€ 4.64

Live Exports W/C 05.04.2021

Sheep Update

IFA Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy said market conditions for sheep meat are favourable, underpinned by strong supermarket performance, tight supplies and reduced volumes of imported lamb in our key markets. Total lamb imports to the EU 27 and the UK from New Zealand are down 23% year on year, with EU 27 down 27% and the UK down 20%. The sales of lamb in supermarkets continues to perform strongly, increasing in volume and value by 12% and 6% respectively for the latest 12-week period. Last week’s kill at just under 48,000 was 3,000 below the corresponding week in 2020, with the total numbers processed this year almost 60,000 below last year’s levels.

Lamb Price Update 22/04/21

QA Hoggets €7.80/8.00kg. Spring Lamb €7.70/8.30kg. Higher deals for groups and larger lots. Strong demand. Ewes €3.20/3.50kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM – Week 15 (12.04.2021)

AnimalFigureChangeYTDYTD Change
Spring Lambs5245▲2,7489132▲2,946
Ewes and Rams4999▲97778102▼-10,266 
Light Lambs5▲290▲72

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – Week 15 (12.04.2021)

c/kg(Incl. VAT)Week 15Changeprev wk2020Changeprev yr
National Avg Price779.25▲21547.17▲232
YTD Avg661.67▲8511.13▲151

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 R3L Overall SQQ*Type of lamb
10.04.2021648.2646Old season
17.04.2021683.9679.5Old season
Price in c/kg(Incl VAT)830.1824.8 
Source: Bord Bia

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