Beef & Sheep UpdateCattleCattle PricesSheepSheep Prices

Beef & Sheep Update 9th July

Cattle and Sheep in field, Wicklow, Ireland

Beef Update

IFA Livestock Chairman Brendan Golden said market conditions for beef remain strong. He said the trade is underpinned by tight supplies and strong retail performance. Steers are making €4.25-4.35/kg, heifers are making €4.30/4.40/kg, with some deals higher, including flat prices for selective lots. He said the prime Irish composite price continues to edge upwards with last week’s price increasing to €4.16/kg and the prime export benchmark price increasing to €4.06/kg. The IFA Chairman said supplies of suitable cattle are tight and demand from factory agents in marts for all types of finished cattle is strong. Cows are ranging from €3.60-4.00/kg Young Bulls R/U €4.30-4.40/kg. Brendan Golden said farmers should sell hard as factories struggle to meet demand.

Beef Price Update 08/07/2021

Steer base €4.25/4.35kg. Heifer €4.30/4.40kg. Higher deals larger lots. Y Bulls R/U €4.30/4.40kg. Cows €3.60/4.00kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM  – Week 26 (28.06.2021)

AnimalNumberChange prev. wk.% of totalYTDYTD Change
Y Bulls2,455▼-15 8%75,431▼-13,156 
Bull451▼-4 1%13,088▼-3,065 
Veal-Z12▼-11 0%977▲112

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – Week 26 (28.06.2021)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)U3Change prev. wk.R3Change prev. wk.O3Change prev. wk.P+3Change prev. wk.
Y Bulls449▲5435▲3412▲1407▲7

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 SteersSteersHeifersHeifersY bullY bullCow
Price in c/kg (Incl VAT)497.3502.2496.4501.2491.8490.7380.0

Euro Price for the Most Recent Week  (€/KG Deadweight excl. VAT)

Country & Type29.06.201927.06.202026.06.2021
EU + Y Bulls€ 3.52€ 3.49€ 3.89
IE + Steers€ 3.70€ 3.61€ 4.22
UK + Steers € 3.75€ 4.03€ 4.66

Live Exports W/C 28.06.2021

Source: Bord Bia

Sheep Update

IFA Sheep Chairman Sean Dennehy said strong market demand and tight supplies of suitable lambs forced factories into increasing prices this week. “Deals of €6.40 to €6.60/kg are being offered. Farmers with suitable lambs are rightly holding out for these and higher prices,” he said. Factories are actively seeking lambs to meet the increased demand for the Eid festival starting on July 20th and have had to increase prices. The trade is helped by increased live export buying and will be further supported following the Eid festival as breeding and store sales commence. Cull ewes are also in strong demand with €3.60/kg available. Farmers should continue to sell hard in these favourable market conditions.

Lamb Price Update 08/07/21

Prices stronger Spring Lamb €6.40/6.40/kg. Factories buying for EID. Demand Strong. Sell Hard. Ewes €3.30/3.60kg.

Supply Figures as Reported by DAFM – Week 26 (28.06.2021)

AnimalFigureChangeYTDYTD Change
Spring Lambs50,089▲2,275375,969▲7,691
Ewes and Rams6,678▲338146,415▼-16,745 
Light Lambs0▲0105▲64

Official Irish Prices as Reported by DAFM – Week 26 (28.06.2021)

c/kg (Incl. VAT)This week Change prev. wk2020Change prev. yr
National Avg Price617.14▼-48 510.24▲107
YTD Avg688.27▼-3 529.09▲159

Official GB Prices as Reported by AHDB

 R3L Overall SQQ*Type of lamb
26/06/2021586.8587.2New season
03/07/2021516.1518.8New season
Change▼-71 ▼-68  
Price in c/kg (Incl VAT)633.7637.0 
Source: Bord Bia

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