Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 10th January

There was a drop of 4c/kg in Irish pig prices last Friday with farmers reporting quotes of €2.06 – €2.10 available from processors in ROI.  Producers selling to NI are reporting that considerably higher prices are available. 

The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 52 was €2.11/kg which is 3.7% higher than prices for the same week last year according to the Commission, and it is back 0.8% on last month’s prices and .3% with the previous weeks average price. 

The weekly throughput figures for ROI for week ending January 7th were 55,982 of which 1,693 were sows.

African swine fever (ASF) reached five more European countries in 2023. Due to the drastic increase in outbreaks in domestic pig herds, the number of cases in 2023 was significantly higher than the previous year. With a total of 12,121 outbreaks, the numbers have almost doubled compared to 2022. ASF cases in wild boars in Europe have increased slightly. Poland continues to be most affected. We must ensure to raise awareness around ASF and ensure our island is protected. 

ROI throughput figures for 2023 have declined by just over 9% when compared to the previous year. Total figure amounting to 3.148M pigs. 

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