Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 12th January

The first full week of production in the meat production trade and the Irish pig sector got back into full swing, with a throughput of 71,891 pigs. The trade has remained stable in Ireland at €1.56-1.58/kg being paid to most pig farmers. Deals and additional payments above these quotes leave many farmers bringing home close to €1.60/kg. Not a bad return, but considering how feed price has soared to on the volatile worldwide feed commodity markets in recent weeks, the breakeven price has risen well above €1.50/kg towards €1.60/kg. Looking across the European pig market, many factors have led to a below cost average price of €1.30/kg. ASF in Germany had excluded Europe’s second largest producer and exporter of pigment from the world’s biggest importer, China. Covid-19 is raging across Ireland currently and everyone in the pig sector must be commended for maintaining production, from farm level right through the production chain to the retail shelf over the past 10 months. 

Ireland’s percentage of the EU price has improved and is currently 122% of the EU average price as reported to the EU Commission for the week commencing 28/12/2020. 

Factory pig throughput in Republic of Ireland export plants for the week ending January 10th 2021 was 71,891 head which was 32,063 more than the previous week and 2,146 more than in the corresponding week in 2020.  

Export Plants

Top prices on a flat rate basis </= €1.56/kg – €1.58/kg in Rosderra and Kepak </=€1.58/kg – €1.62/kg in Cookstown, </= €1.58/kg – €1.60/kg in Dawn Pork & Bacon and </=€1.56/kg -€ 1.60/kg in Staunton’s. 

Sows – €0.46-0.52c/kg DW.

Weekly Slaughterings Week-ending 10/1/2021

Pigs: 69,647 Sows: 2,244


Irish price                                            €1.57kg

EU–27 average price                         €1.28kg

(Grade E pigs – 55% to 60% lean meat excluding VAT but including transport and bonuses).

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