Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 13th September

There was no announced change to Irish pig prices last Friday. Irish pig farmers are reporting quotes of €2.38 – €2.42 and upwards available among Irish processing plants across the island.

The weekly throughput figures for ROI for week ending the 10th of September was 61,274 of which 1,723 were sows.

The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 34 was 231c/kg which is 10.4% higher than prices for the same week last year according to the Commission, however, it is back 6% on last month’s prices.  Drops in prices have been observed in pig prices from MS such as Spain and France whose prices were up over 2.50 and 2.60 and up to 2.80/kg for periods of time. Germans pig price held last week.  

Markets expect smaller US maize and soyabean crops. The USDA is due to release it’s September World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). Ahead of the release, traders are adjusting their positions and there is added uncertainty in global grain and oilseed markets. Due to declining conditions of the US soyabean and maize crops, markets are expecting downward revisions in the latest update. 

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